Nerd Thursday, Jun 19 2008 

This is just a reminder of how much of a nerd he was…is.

Here it is

…and we’re back Sunday, Jun 15 2008 

I don’t know what it is, but I have felt so turned off from getting on this blog for quite some time. I guess I am not much of a fan of May/June blogging. But here I am again. Hopefully I can keep up some kind of a semi-regular pace. That’s all I’ve got for now. Gonna go prepare for the end of the world, or whatever Alex is talking about…really I’m just gonna watch this SNL Mike Myers tribute that’s on. Peace

end-time pantomine Monday, May 26 2008 

The Weinland Window – Ronald Weinland and the Test of a Prophet

Like I’ve said before, there are those who have declared Ronald Weinland a false prophet. Some said it weeks ago. Some said it months ago. Some said it immediately.

But as I’ve said before, they were early every single time. Their standards were too low. They didn’t really take the test seriously. Rejecting a potential prophet is not a flippant decision you make. What if he really is the real deal? Do you really want to incur God’s wrath by potentially rejecting his messenger?

That is why I’ve advocated patience multiple times. I have wanted to resolve this as much as the next person, but I have also known that their declarations were premature. The time is coming, I’ve said. We will know soon, I’ve said.

Well, that time is here. The Bible says to test the fruits of potential prophets. If what they predict comes true, then they are the real deal. We are swiftly approaching a window of time where Ronald Weinland’s words will be tested.

That window of time is June 1st to July 16th. Ronald Weinland has specifically predicted a level of destruction in America within this window of time. Now is the time to test his words. We will wait and watch throughout this period of time.

The test of a prophet begins. June 1st is approaching swiftly. Ron Weinland is either true or false.

Either way, we will know soon.


Evan will probably be the only person whe recognizes what this post regards.  Him and maybe my mother.  It concerns a man who has written a book that lays out the forthcoming end-times which we are presently in and which will be deadly-obvious in the coming months.  the blog I copied this entry from is a unique place in that it is one of very few blogs that don’t make fun of this aleged prophet or personally attack him.  Because I agree that it is a serious thing to decry a trus prophet of god, and because I have long believed that this world will come to an end as described in Revelation, I am holding my breath and waiting to see if such things take place as described in his book (free from his website).  The window that this blogger is describing the the window of time when the first trumpet will sound, between June 1st and July 17th.  There will be a massive natural disaster in America.  I keep thinking about the Yellowstone volcano errupting or maybe another massive hurricane.  I guess we shall see.  Dont think I me glib.  It is just that if all these things are to come to pass, massive death is going to occur, and becasue I believe the Bible, I trust in God’s plan, whether it actually occurs now or after I’m dead of old age.  anyhow, just thought I’d bring the conversation to our neck of the blog shere.

why don’t you bastards post comments? Sunday, May 18 2008 

I guess it’s a symptom of my deeper need for others’ approval that I get aggravated when no one posts comments on posts that I’ve written.  Of course I think it’s normal to want response.  It’s one of the wicked things about the Internet that it allows us to anonymously  and invisibly “connect”  with others without the same social obligations that accompany such acts when they occur in the flesh.  But the lack is felt, and this is why strange and new forms of social mores appear in the wake of this new medium of community–chat-room etiquette, emoticons, even foreshortened text-speak.  Maybe I feel like each post I write is a fishing line I cast into the world, and do so with the hope of feeling a bite, setting the hook, and pulling in a catch, which the metaphor would suggest is a shared experience with another human being.  This is a funny idea–that I would desire human contact through the act of sitting alone in my office at home and posting text blurbs on your/my (our) common Internet.  But again, that is one of the things about the Internet I find strange.  It is a means to an end, namely, community, that in the end often disappoints, and yields further loneliness.  Internet pornography, at its core, may merely be an attempt at overcoming the Internet’s vacuousness with some form of base yet palpable meaning.  The question then becomes, does pornography offer enough such meaning, or does the Internet merely absorb those attempts along with all the others, reducing everything in the world to their common denominator–Information?  I personally feel strongly that there is meaning to be found in images of the nude form, whether of a salacious or innocent nature (I even posed nude for a semester in college for an art class on account of my convictions).  I do not, however, make it my habit to view such material in order to find meaning.  But why not?  Well, the risk one runs when they find themselves captured by the allure of nude photography is of neglecting the subject (the nude form) and worshiping the object (the image).  This is done mostly by men because we tend to get aroused more quickly, and in feeling the urgency of climax, so allow enrapture in ourselves to occur toward something which doesn’t and never did warrant the affection–a picture.  And this can reek all sorts of havoc in a man’s life.  If an individual has bought into the lie that they can legitimately substitute pornography for meaning, they begin to subtitute it for intercourse, and thusly, he is in grave danger of loosing his grasp on that and all other forms of community and relationship with others.  I began by saying I get slightly peeved when I write to all you hawks out there, putting my thoughts and some of my self on the Internet for your hungry stomachs to consume without so much as a burp of thanks, but therein, as I confessed, is my sin coming out.  I should, like all great writers, write unattachedly to my words, for they are simply the husks of the better fruit, that is, the ideas which pre(seeded) them and which I keep for myself. But as I said, I have a struggle.  I still look for human contact in a dead and empty medium just like so many others.  One could say the same of many such emptynesses.  I do think it good to invest oneself in what they write, and look forward to it producing fruit in others.  Maybe if your lucky you get to see that fruit bloom, but I won’t make it an imperative.  I’ll continue to write for the joy it brings me, and whatever else comes from it I’ll consider lagniappe.

Spurred onward, like a horse Friday, May 16 2008 

Well I was just surfing a small white cap on the ocean that is the internet when I decided to shift my wieght and direct myself back to familiar territory, ye olde blog.  It’s been a while since I dropped in on things, and even longer since I’ve written anything, but I saw a new coment posted under Evan’s last post from my friend and yours, Andrew Rozell.  He says he wants more Burke-speak (also known as “cowbell”).  Well consider the cows comin’ home to roost, so to speak.  That is, here is another post.

I will start the usual way by telling of recent changes in my life.  Firstly, I have found new work as a landman with a new company started by a new friend named Gray Schuler.  I am working with Schuler Land & Acquisition to build right-of-ways for Chesapeake so they can move all the alleged natural gas that lies 12000 feet below Shreveport (as well as under most of Northwest Louisiana).  I like the guys I’m with, I like the work we’ve got, I like what I see happening.  Also on the homefront, Suzanne and I are looking for a house to buy.  The bank won’t loan me any money since I’m self-employed so we’re just looking and saving for the time being.  Every couple weeks we see the perfect house ***MOVE-IN READY***.  I’ve got a flier right next to me for a wonderful house just down the street that went on the market today that I doubt will wait for us, but it’s a buyers market and I’m sure when we’re ready our home will find us.  It is fun looking and dreaming and thinking and all that comes along with it.

Also, I’ve started a seady regiment of guided meditation just yesterday, based on Hemi-Sync technology.  Basically, a steady tone comes in to the right ear, while a slightly different steady tone enters teh left ear.  When both tones are playing, they interact (actually your brain interprets them as slightly wavering, fluctuating, and creates a false tone).  The effect is that both hemispheres of your brain syncronize and the wavering tone acts like a mantra.  you focus on that while the creator of teh idea guides you trough meditative states.  I have enjoyed the way I feel calm and relaxed though energized and in control of my mind throughout the day.  I’m planning to take it slow but look forward to where it takes me. 

I think Annie started a new job this week.  I havent heard how it’s been going.  Today is her 21st birthday so let’s all make sure and call her and wish her well…even non-family members!  Well I better hit the road.  I’ve got work to do in Webster Parish this afternoon and dont want to find myself working late on a Frida.  I’ll check in later and hope to see coments galor and additional posts.  TGIF!


a quick note Saturday, Apr 19 2008 

Today I went trail running and enjoyed listening to a great John Piper sermon while I knocked out a solid 5 and a half miler. It was slightly raining off and on during the run which surprisingly seemed to help keep me going. Shin splints have been wrecking my life when it comes to running lately, so it was good that being on the trail helped alleviate the pain. Funny how just changing from the road to dirt can have such an impact.

Also, this week has been alot of fun and really busy. Some friends of mine from Nashville came up for a conference that was going on all week. We ended up with a pretty full house, total of 8 people staying at our house during the conference (that includes me and my roommates). The conference was cool too. I got to hear a bunch of big name preachers and theologians speak, and even got to meet a few. It was fun. That’s all I feel like writing at the moment.

cogito ergo sum Friday, Apr 18 2008 

My new job is going well.  I spent this week running title in the Webster Parish courthouse in Minden, LA which was very nice, very smooth, very much the kind of work I enjoy.  I like that I can get all my office work don’t by 11, take an hour lunch at the house, hit the highway for a short drive and work the courthouse for a few hours before getting back home by five.  Today I finished my work a little early and got home by 3:30 but found I had nothing to do, so Suzanne and I ran an errand and I bought a 32 oz Miller High-life and drank 3/4 before taking a nice nap.  we awoke, cooked dinner (shrimp, pasta, broccoli) and went out for a dessert at the local bakery.  Came home, watched 20/20 and got ready for bed.  I am praying for my brothers and for their continued dependence upon Christ and His successful work in their lives, as I pray the same for myself everyday.  Only we ourselves know truly what that entails, and only God knows where it will lead, but the first active step blongs to us.  This is our solemn right and privilege.

taxes, landmanology, writing Monday, Apr 14 2008 

Wow, I’m keeping up with our blog stats and somehow the world wide web knows when we post…word gets around fast, because the couple of days around a new post gets 10-times more views than the non-posting days that follow.  It really compels me to write more…at least that’s why I’m doing it now.  But the big hurdle is uncovering something about which to write, isn’t it?  Perhaps not.  If I can write in such a way that I’m true to my “voice” then folks should enjoy reading what I write regardless.  It won’t matter what I say because just reading my words will be wonderful enough.  Now don’t worry that I won’t post interesting tid-bits here and there, because I’ll still alert you all of whatever mundane thing I conceive of, only know that I’ll try not to let the lack thereof keep me from writing more regularly.  See, I give an inch, you give an inch.  Together we can do something beautiful.

I’m sitting at my desk writing on my shared blog while the whole office is bustling with land work.  We just hired three new guys today and none of them have any experience.  I just sent off two letters to my friends the United States Treasury and the Louisiana Department of Revenue and liquidated my savings account as a result.  I accidentally wrote the checks first in my register before recording the transfer so there is a negative balance before the transfer goes through.  I’m resisting the urge to white-out and start over.  Incidentally, keeping a register is an exercise self denial.  I start my new landman job this Wednesday on the thirteenth floor of the Beck building with Red River Oil & Gas with my two ol’ buddies.  I’m looking forward to it, in fact I woke up this morning feeling real good about it. 

Now back to the tax issue, is it wrong to feel that taxes are like an annual membership fee to being an American?  I know that there are some out there who don’t pay anything, and those that scurry out of paying theirs.  I’m not saying I’m not trying to keep the cost low, but as far as reaching a point where I don’t mind paying for the benefits of citizenship, is it so crazy to feel positively about giving my part?  I mean, at least it beats the shit out of hating paying them since there’s no practical way around it anyway, right.  I’ll await your thoughts.

Okay, well I think that’s all for now. 

who said that? Tuesday, Apr 8 2008 

Well anyone of you who has traded conversation with me lately may have noticed a slight change in speech on my end. No, I haven’t made more liberal use of choice swear words. That is something that I try to keep to a minimum, but similar to smoking cigarettes, don’t really want to fully outlaw for I feel that both have their special place in my heart and life, though both are best kept to a minimum, no doubt. But since I’m not speaking about swearing more, what could the change be, you ask? Well, I feel like I should tell that if you are truly curious about the issue my best answer would be to consult Christ himself. After all, he is the one who’s changed me unexpectedly and to a large extent, uninvitedly. “What the heck, Alex? You mean you’ve turned into some Jesus freak on us?” Well not exactly. To those who’ve known me a while I have always felt deeply regarding Christ’s work, so that isn’t the change. The change, I feel, comes from a renewed sense of voice. This may be one of those fetishized concepts popular among writers and fake-writers alike. You would think there is no holier grail for those Arthurian knights of linguistic Camelot than the ever-elusive “voice.” And maybe it’s a silly thing, a very silly thing to seek out, because any streetwise hipster knows that real voice is nothing to write a PhD on (sorry all you suckers), it’s something you simply reach inside and throw down like a pair of dice on the pavement or a cardboard square. You ever heard someone say something perfectly? Chances are it was someone who wasn’t thinking about what to say and how to say it. They were probably in the moment and said something like, “go fuck yourself if you can muster the self loathing you mother fucker. And by the way, bite me.” Why does cursing carry such punch? I don’t know, but by using that as an example of true voice i’ve probably illegitimated my claim that true voice isn’t connected to swearing in my case. Oh well. Maybe it is, but we’ve all heard people who use curse words as too much of a crutch and therefore can’t say anything worthwhile…the artful use of a swearword is a wonderful thing; the overuse is contemptible. But what is this change you dope? Why are you making me read on and on after something you clearly have no grasp of? Oh hush! I’m getting there. This new voice is just like my old one, because it’s fully my own…but it’s more fleshed out, too. It isn’t afraid to scoop and heave a pile of religious mumbo-jingoism and yet put a hook on it and let it break at the last minute and hit like a something profound. That’s what I want to do, anyway. Having a vocabulary is the greatest tool for anyone who has studied writing…it is the only thing…but for someone who has studied life, too, it is a tool of great use. I can use it to maneuver and edify and comfort and condemn, but most of all, best of any, to pray. I love to pray in my own voice. I think God loves it too. This is the purpose of learning to speak anyway…why does it matter so much what a baby’s first word is? Probably because after that, they are only half baby and already half adult. They’ve crossed the Jordan River into self-expression. But what is the ultimate end of language…is it, like I told some dude back in college, “a natural resource that’s run its course?” Well, not for me anymore. Now, it is my great personal stamp and weapon…the line by which I meet with God and we hash it out like a couple of ferocious mongooses (not mongeese as one would think). Okay, time to spell-check and post. See you on the other side.

Bracketology Tuesday, Apr 8 2008 

I don’t want to go overboard here, but I’ve got to boast a little bit. This is just too good, I wanted to put it on here for all four viewers of this site to see. My NCAA Bracket this year was pure greatness. I had a bit of a slow start, but when it really mattered, I made the right calls. Here’s the breakdown:

11 of the “Sweet Sixteen” – 6 of the “Elite Eight” – 4 of the “Final Four” – Both teams in the Championship Game – And the winner, Kansas

I tried to put a picture on here of my actual bracket, but not only was that too difficult, it might be a little over the top. I mean I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging… too much. Also, I don’t know who all watched it, but that game tying 3-pointer by Kansas that brought it to overtime was one of the most amazing shots I’ve seen in a while. Way to end the season. Okay my head is getting so big its about to pop.

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